One of the famous tourist attractions of London is the millennium eye .more than 3.5 million tourists visit millennium eye every year. Millennium eye is also known as the London eye .It is the iconic landmark and a symbol of Britain. Paris has the Eiffel Tower, New York the Empire State, and now London has the London Eye - an extraordinary symbol for an extraordinary city. Although it is a paid for visitor attraction still millions of people come to visit. Tourists who are visiting London for the first time never miss the chance of visiting all the spots of London. Millenn
ium eye is counted in one of the
attractions. It is at the height of 135 meters .It is the biggest wheel in Europe and the most famous tourist attraction in United Kingdom. It is located on the South Bank of the River Thames in London, United Kingdom, between Westminster Bridge and Hungerford Bridge. Just like Empire state building London eye offers way to take in over 55 of London's most famous landmarks in just 30 minutes! You can get a chance of 40 min ride and you can view the London up to 40 kilometers in all directions. Visitors also get a 10 % discount when they go in group of 15. The night view of London eye is also very beautiful .Its one of the interesting , exciting tourist attraction of the world

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